miércoles, 30 de julio de 2008

Unit 14: The biggest and the best!

Here you will see the most beautiful scenery in the world and may also check among the largest and most extensive in the world.

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by lucymadriz26
¡In our country we have many very exotic landscapes and parks that we must preserve what we want!

Unit 13: May I take your order, please?

This unit will see you as a person agrees with another in an item in particular, in this case with the typical food.

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by joseito789_784
¡Share your liking someone makes your life more pleasant!

Unit 15: May I take your order, please?

In this unit you will see how to invite someone somewhere and insist a person does not agree

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by lucymadriz26

For an invitation the most important thing is to stress a person

martes, 8 de julio de 2008

Unit 11: It´s a very exciting city!

In this unit you will see the discripción my hometown
and the city I'd like to visit.

Uploaded on authorSTREAM by joseito789_784